Our Commitment to Community: Serving Veterans Across the Country
Dan Brillman
We’re helping more Veterans and their families than ever before. Along with our partners at AmericaServes and the Institute for Veterans and Military Families, we built 18 coordinated care networks across the country that bring healthcare, government, and social services together into one accountable service delivery ecosystem. Now, those networks have joined to form the world’s largest network of Veteran-focused service providers. Today, they have collectively served over 21 thousand individuals involved in over 42 thousand service episodes (for specific needs), and those numbers are growing exponentially.
To dive deeper into their data insights, click here.
Our roots will always be with our fellow Veterans.
Unite Us was born as a result of a real need across the country. When I came home from my last deployment, many I served with, who went back to their local communities asked me for help with their health and social needs. The first was finding housing, which accumulated into several other Veterans – and their families – reaching out to me for help. My attempts to help resulted in numerous futile calls, circular referrals from local organizations, emails, and Google searches. I wanted to help my fellow Veterans, but I couldn’t figure out a systematic or scalable way to access the services they needed when the needed them. During business school, my co-founder, Taylor Justice, simultaneously became frustrated with the outdated, manual, and time-consuming process of connecting clients to reliable resources at a local non-profit. Together, we were confident that we understood the problems presented across the health and human service industry, the needs of our fellow service members, and what it would take to fix this problem: a network of connected providers and services that focused on the outcome.
When we started Unite Us, we were determined to repair a fragmented system by connecting Veterans to resources in a reliable way. We knew that fostering credible community relationships would be an integral part of the process. We believed in the power of this solution and wanted it to be founded with a strong emphasis on usability, accuracy, and real, measurable outcomes. We knew that crossing different silos and overcoming structural barriers wouldn’t be easy, but we never expected the fast, widespread success this solution would achieve and the amazing excitement by the providers using the networks to serve their clients.
Investing in community partnerships works.
By focusing on quality outcomes as our true north, we’ve seen network growth in numbers far exceeding anything we predicted. Now, we know that when people are exposed to an intuitive care coordination ecosystem – a trusted network – both their organizations and their clients thrive. The most effective way that we’ve found to reach this level of success has been through trustworthy partnerships. Our partnership with AmericaServes has been vital to the ongoing health outcomes of thousands of Veterans across the country; technology alone cannot take on this duty. The sheer number of peoples’ complex and co-occurring needs calls for a network of service providers, not just one organization working alone. This is why we view building strong relationships and integrating ourselves in the communities we work in as an essential step toward delivering wraparound support and holistic care for all those we serve. We’re building healthier communities together.
We’re aiming high.
We believe everybody should be given the opportunity to connect to this kind of network. Payers, providers, governments, and their clients all benefit from the connectivity that our software offers. Our success with AmericaServes has proven that there is huge potential for networks across the country to scale this kind of work.This is now becoming a standard in the broader health and human services industry, and this partnership is where that standard began.
We’re constantly optimizing our technology so that our users can refer, track, and provide services as quickly as possible. We’ve implemented the capability for networks to connect across state lines (with Internetwork Referrals), work in tandem with other affiliate networks, and protect all client information in compliance with HIPAA standards. Since I know firsthand how critical service access can be, efficiency and accuracy are at the heart of everything we do here at Unite Us. There is nothing that brings me more joy than meeting a provider whose workload has been drastically relieved or an individual whose life has been impacted by our software.
To all of our partners, the populations we serve, and those who have served us: thank you!
For more info about how to build a network with us, click here:
About Unite Us
Unite Us is the nation’s leading software company bringing sectors together to improve the health and well-being of communities. We drive the collaboration to identify, deliver, and pay for services that impact whole-person health. Through Unite Us’ national network and software, community-based organizations, government agencies, and healthcare organizations are all connected to better collaborate to meet the needs of the individuals in their communities.