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Ensure needs are addressed with our dedicated, professional support and expertise.

Connecting individuals to services—while incredibly important—isn’t always easy. Our partners often juggle many other responsibilities, depend on clients to come to their offices to begin the referral process, and face potential challenges in knowing where to refer. That’s why we have a dedicated Care Coordination team to empower easy and positive social care connections for the people you serve.

Hands-On, Flexible

Care coordination provides a range of options to create an added safety net, ensuring needs are addressed, no matter the complexity of the case or the size of the network.

A Care Team You Can Trust

Through the Unite Us Social Needs System (SNSTM)—the industry standard for predicting and measuring individual-level SDoH nationwide–Social Connector is a tool for governments, healthcare, and community-based organizations to proactively identify social needs in their communities and design strategies to effectively meet those needs.

Experience and Qualifications

Unite Us Care Coordinators, trained in social services or with lived experience, expertly navigate the complex social service landscape, ensuring empathetic and effective support for individuals.

Inform USA Training and Certification

Once hired, Unite Us Care Coordinators begin Inform USA training, becoming credentialed after 18 months of employment. They are trained in this program for information and referral services on policies and procedures as well as client interactions.

Inform USA

Care Team Capabilities

Unite Us Care Team employs TransPerfect for diverse client communication, and NICE inContact for nationwide telephonic support, featuring dedicated toll-free numbers for each network and upcoming chat/text options.

Our Proven Care 
Coordination Results

10% Increase in Acceptance Rates in Three Months

A mid-sized network using an earlier iteration of Social Care Coordination services demonstrated a referral acceptance rate increase from 46% to 56% over three months despite a 50% referral volume increase compared to a year prior.

22% Increase in Referral Action Time

Care Coordination acts on referrals in less than two days 79% of the time, versus when Care Coordination is not involved, referrals are acted on in less than two days only 57% of the time.

29.5% Increase in Case Closure

Care Coordination has a 96% case closure rate for off-platform cases compared to 67% when Care Coordination is not involved.

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