Life Sciences Archives - Software Connecting Health and Social Service Providers Mon, 26 Feb 2024 23:30:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Life Sciences Archives - 32 32 Improving Behavioral Health: A Community Effort Webinar Fri, 29 Sep 2023 18:52:47 +0000 Across the country, communities are facing significant challenges in meeting the growing needs for behavioral health care services. Healthcare and community-based organizations alike have seen that they cannot tackle this surge in demand alone. In this webinar, discover the strategic and coordinated efforts that champion a comprehensive and proactive approach to mental wellness—leaving no individual …

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Across the country, communities are facing significant challenges in meeting the growing needs for behavioral health care services. Healthcare and community-based organizations alike have seen that they cannot tackle this surge in demand alone.

In this webinar, discover the strategic and coordinated efforts that champion a comprehensive and proactive approach to mental wellness—leaving no individual or community behind.

You’ll learn: 

  • The pivotal role of community-based organizations in enhancing mental health care delivery
  • The importance of building networks that embrace diversity and cultural sensitivity
  • Strategies for seamless collaboration between healthcare organizations and local community partners

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How Life Sciences Organizations Are Improving Medication Adherence Through Community Collaboration Mon, 28 Aug 2023 15:05:27 +0000 U.S. healthcare faces a daunting challenge—one that life sciences organizations are uniquely positioned to help solve. Drivers of Health Healthcare organizations (especially payers and providers) are increasingly accountable for the health status of populations and communities. But only 10 to 20% of variability in health outcomes are directly influenced by medical care. In other words, …

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U.S. healthcare faces a daunting challenge—one that life sciences organizations are uniquely positioned to help solve.

Drivers of Health

Healthcare organizations (especially payers and providers) are increasingly accountable for the health status of populations and communities. But only 10 to 20% of variability in health outcomes are directly influenced by medical care. In other words, doctor visits, trips to the emergency department, prescriptions, surgical procedures, treatment plans, blood tests, MRIs, and so on have limited impact on overall health. In fact, a person’s health outcomes are largely influenced by a range of drivers of health (DOH) that health systems, physician clinics, and health plans traditionally have no influence over. These drivers include housing security, food security, transportation, environmental conditions, region, and race and ethnicity, among other factors. 

Medication Adherence

What does that have to do with life sciences? While life sciences organizations are not directly “accountable” for a population’s health outcomes or the health equity of a given community, DOH can and do affect the efficacy of their drugs and their overall profitability. For example, medication non-adherence has a significant impact on health outcomes while also costing the life sciences sector a lot of money—an estimated $637 billion in lost revenues annually for patients with chronic conditions alone. However, the role that DOH play in non-adherence is still under-appreciated. 

The life sciences sector widely recognizes the role that drug costs play in improving medication adherence. The term “financial toxicity” has even emerged to describe the harsh emotional and economic stressors that some patients feel when their medical care, especially their medications, become too costly to afford. To improve medication adherence, many life sciences organizations offer support or access programs that make medications available at a discount or at no cost to patients with a specific level of demonstrated need. But such programs usually have limited uptake and fail to support all the patients who need help, or to take into account the complex set of challenges around DOH that too many patients face. According to a 2021 survey, life sciences companies spend more than $5 billion on patient support programs yearly, but only 3% of patients actually use them. In other words, drug costs are only the tip of the iceberg.

Overcoming Social Barriers to Health Through Collaboration

What can a life sciences organization do to overcome social barriers to health more broadly and effectively? Systemic challenges require systemic solutions. Hospitals, clinics, and health plans can’t address DOH comprehensively without working together and with different social services and community-based organizations. Life sciences organizations can and should play an important role in those efforts. In fact, without them, a big piece of the puzzle is missing.

By identifying DOH that influence medication-related challenges and developing a more coordinated strategy, life sciences organizations can enhance their current programs, improve medication adherence, advance their organizational mission, improve the health outcomes of patients, recapture billions in lost revenue, and elevate their level of engagement and collaboration with specific communities and partner organizations, patient populations, and prescribing physicians. Improvements like these can have cascading effects on drug development, clinical trials, market growth, and so on. 

Let’s look at a three-step pathway for life sciences organizations to scale and enhance patient assistance and support programs while better addressing health equity and whole-person care through localized community support. 

Improving Medication Adherence

1. Leverage localized data to clarify the role that drivers of health play in health outcomes.

Health inequities pervade our society and have deep historical roots. They are caused and compounded by regional differences, economic factors, racism, demographics, and other factors. Fortunately, U.S. healthcare has the opportunity to impact these disparities and improve health for millions of people who otherwise struggle with diminished quality and length of life. 

DOH affect health status and outcomes in many different ways. One patient might be more likely to contract cancer or a respiratory illness because of the environmental conditions of their community. Another might have difficulty getting to doctor’s appointments because public transportation is unreliable, or they live in a rural area far from clinics and hospitals. Another might find it difficult to manage their diabetes because they don’t have ready access to nutritious food. 

Such inequities have a big impact on health, quality of life, and life expectancy. People who’ve been unemployed for more than six years, for example, have double the mortality rate of those with more steady jobs. People who are socially isolated are twice as likely to develop coronary artery disease. There’s a 16-year difference in life expectancy for residents of two Chicago neighborhoods separated by only six miles geographically—but they are worlds apart in terms of their access to resources and support.

The Healthcare System

DOH also increase pressure on the healthcare system. According to a 2020 report in Medical Care, people who require language services may be more likely to use the emergency department, increasing costs and taxing clinical resources. People enrolled in Medicare with low health literacy are more likely to experience hospital admission, higher medical costs, and lower access to care. Furthermore, people who experience housing instability are currently or potentially high-cost healthcare users. 

 To address these challenges and reduce their impact, many healthcare organizations are now implementing programs and processes to identify and help people who are at risk of poor health outcomes and in need of extra support. 

Drug Effectiveness 

Drug effectiveness is also influenced by DOH. Logically, drugs are only effective if patients take them as prescribed. But there can be many reasons why a patient doesn’t follow a doctor’s or pharmacist’s instructions. If a patient can’t afford their medications or co-pays, they might not pick up those prescriptions or they might take smaller or fewer doses than prescribed to make the medicine last longer. If they don’t have a stable home or a refrigerator, they might not be able to store their medicine safely and have it readily available. Or they might be forced to make trade-offs between paying for medications and paying the rent or buying groceries. 

Social factors have a measurable impact across the patient journey. For example, minority participation rates in clinical trials are about 2–16% despite making up almost 39% of the U.S. population. This lack of trial diversity has the potential to cost the system over hundreds of billions of dollars through poor health and early deaths. People who are challenged by DOH are also 12% less likely to get preventative screenings or to adhere to their medications, according to Unite Us primary research on our own claims and our Social Needs System (SNS) data. Black patients with breast cancer have a 41% higher mortality rate than White patients. The list goes on. To improve medication adherence, life sciences organizations must take DOH factors into account.

Harnessing Data to Improve Health Outcomes 

Reliable and scalable data sources help life sciences organizations identify social barriers to health, develop effective strategies for addressing them, and measure the impact of those interventions. To define a population, data sources should include the right clinical and social data, and be stratified by health disparity measures like race, income, and gender.

For example, a close look at marginalized communities within breast cancer populations reveals how DOH impact their health outcomes. That points the way to strategies that address negative  DOH as early as possible to improve health outcomes. A comprehensive assessment starts with a look at the overall population of women over 18 in the U.S. to match them with data sets related to DOH. We can then identify women with an elevated DOH risk and develop more effective screening and treatment strategies to meet their needs. This understanding will also inform care navigation, care plans, adherence strategies, and so on. 

That’s just one condition. The breast cancer journey will be different from the lung cancer journey or the diabetes journey. Data illuminates those differences and helps lay out appropriate solutions. That’s a good start for a more effective program, but to have a significant impact on health outcomes, life sciences organizations must engage with community-based organizations that can actually deliver the support patients need. 

The Unite Us Social Needs System (SNS) is the Industry Standard for Assessing Drivers of Health

social needs scoreOur SNS is a predictive framework that leverages comprehensive and integrated health and social care data to systematically identify and measure social, environmental, and economic risk. An accurate SNS score is based on 12 SNS Factors, including food insecurity, transportation needs, health literacy, financial literacy, uninsured, unemployed, childcare needs, housing quality, utility needs, lack of broadband internet, loneliness, and housing instability. The Unite Us Social Needs System (SNS) surfaces key areas of opportunity and actionable insights for social interventions to improve health and quality of life.

2. Leverage the expertise and services of organizations in the community to connect patients with support they need.

Identifying at-risk people, screening them proactively, and prescribing the right medications all sounds good in theory, but how can life sciences organizations engage with those patients and help them get the resources they need to support their health care? No life sciences organization is equipped to supply nutritious food, transportation, or secure housing on its own. Instead, it must work closely with community-based organizations to provide those services. 

Creating an Ecosystem of Care 

Investing in health equity takes an ecosystem that includes life sciences, health systems, health plans, and community-based organizations with the patient at the center. Life sciences organizations must find ways to strategically partner with CBOs to make sure patients are getting the whole ecosystem of care that they need. 

Just as the social care needs of individuals vary between local areas, so does the availability of organizations that supply the resources to meet those needs. We believe social care services should be available to people on a no-wrong-door basis. In other words, if a person in need of housing or nutritious food enters the ecosystem through a physician clinic, that clinic should be able to direct the person to a CBO that can help meet that need. Likewise, if a person who requires medication or clinical care enters the ecosystem through a food bank or a housing shelter, those organizations should be able to connect that person to an organization offering the medication or care they also need.

Patient Support Programs 

Patient support programs can be enhanced through connected ecosystems like Unite Us to seamlessly direct individuals to community resources and connect community organizations with healthcare organizations. This enables all stakeholders to stay connected around the individual in need, and it facilitates data sharing that ensures those organizations follow through on every referral. Just as importantly, it reduces the burden on caregivers and social services providers by streamlining processes. 

Life sciences organizations often partner with national groups to provide patient support but miss the mark on local connections. The COVID-19 pandemic brought this issue to the forefront. Since every region handled the pandemic differently, national groups were less effective in local communities. For example, during that period, the need for transportation soared in many regions around the country. Asked for support by our life sciences partners, Unite Us provided the infrastructure for connecting individuals in need with local providers of transportation wherever they lived. Those life sciences organizations were not the supplier of those resources, but they became the door through which patients accessed them. Other organizations in the community also benefited.

3. Measure the impact of community support to inform investment/partnership strategies.

The wonder of a connected data flow is that it provides continuous information on the changing needs of a population or community. It also informs stakeholders of the services that are actually being provided and reveals the impact on key measures like improving medication adherence, health status, and so on. 

Unite Us is unique in being able to systematically measure how people are leveraging social services and whether their DOH are being appropriately and effectively addressed. This helps life sciences organizations learn even more about the people taking their medicines. For example, perhaps the initial assessment pointed to food insecurity as the biggest barrier to improving medication adherence, but the data gained through the program revealed that child care and secure housing were even more important drivers of medication adherence. These insights can inform future efforts, investments, and partnership strategies. They can also help the philanthropic arm of life sciences organizations engage more directly and effectively with patients, communities, and community organizations.  

As that network of community-level partnership grows, life sciences organizations can deepen their ties in the community and begin to address health-related social needs even further upstream. They can then provide resources and support, for example, for community-based organizations to organize screening and preventative care interventions. 

Health = Health Care + Social Care

Disparities in health equity and DOH affect health status, health outcomes, patient experience, quality of life, community health, and overall healthcare costs. Increasingly, U.S. healthcare is turning that understanding into action.

Data and Information-Sharing 

Life sciences organizations have traditionally focused on access and support programs that help alleviate the cost of medications and related copays. But the underlying challenges affecting health are much deeper, more complex, and specific to individual populations and communities. A data-based understanding of social needs provides the groundwork for gaining insights that can inform more effective strategies and interventions. But those insights must be leveraged through partnerships with social services organizations on the ground to be effective. It takes a connected ecosystem of data and information sharing to activate the support that people need, and to keep improving those efforts and enhance impact. 

Life sciences organizations have shown their willingness and desire to address significant social challenges through their philanthropic arms, and the impact of those efforts can be improved with data and community-level coordination. It’s time to innovate on traditional approaches with new strategies, technologies, and partnerships suitable for the size of the challenge before us.

With their for-profit and philanthropic resources and unique vantage point in the healthcare ecosystem, life sciences organizations can play a central role in communicating the full picture of an individual’s health and social care needs and coordinating efforts to address them. When they’re fully connected in a broader community network, life sciences organizations can be leaders in driving whole-person care. 

Learn more about how Unite Us can help life sciences organizations transform patient services with whole-person care. 

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Sarasota Memorial Health Care System Reduces Postpartum-Related Readmissions Fri, 21 Jul 2023 19:02:14 +0000 The post Sarasota Memorial Health Care System Reduces Postpartum-Related Readmissions appeared first on

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Four Ways to Increase Clinical Trial Diversity Thu, 20 Apr 2023 20:54:28 +0000 The FDA has heightened its focus on increasing racial and ethnic diversity in clinical trials. According to a recent study by Nature Reviews Disease Primers, “in a 2020 analysis of the global participation in clinical trials, the FDA highlighted the vast difference between the enrolled participants and the global population. Of 292,537 participants in clinical …

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The FDA has heightened its focus on increasing racial and ethnic diversity in clinical trials. According to a recent study by Nature Reviews Disease Primers, “in a 2020 analysis of the global participation in clinical trials, the FDA highlighted the vast difference between the enrolled participants and the global population. Of 292,537 participants in clinical trials globally, 76% were white, 11% were Asian and only 7% were Black. In comparison, the global population (~7.8 billion) is distributed with ~60% of the population in Asia, ~16% in Africa, ~10% in Europe and ~8% in Latin America (World Population Review).”

The Role of Drivers of Health

Life sciences organizations are increasingly aware of the powerful role drivers of health (DOH) play in whole-person care. DOH are non-clinical contributors to whole-person health. Such behavioral, personal, lifestyle, socio-economic, and environmental factors are responsible for around 80 percent of an individual’s overall health status. However, it’s often a challenge for life sciences organizations to identify DOH needs for the communities they serve and to successfully factor them into research and development efforts. Clinical trial diversity, in particular, has remained both a pressing challenge and a key priority.

Interview with Dr. Rodrigo Burgos on Clinical Trial Diversity

We interviewed industry expert Dr. Rodrigo Burgos, Clinical Assistant Professor and HIV PGY-2 Residency Co-Director at the University of Illinois Chicago, to share his thoughts on the evolving matter of clinical trial diversity. As an HIV pharmacotherapy specialist and pharmacy residency director, Dr. Burgos is committed to expanding opportunities to support pharmacists who serve minority communities.

What are some ways that pharma organizations can expand clinical trials to be more diverse?

When thinking about ways for pharma to expand diversity in clinical trials, the first thing to note is that understanding diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in clinical trials is complex. There is no single root-cause, nor a single solution. Expanding clinical trial diversity is a long-term commitment and ongoing effort that must come from all of us.

That said, there are some guidelines that many experts in this space recommend:

Four Ways to Increase Clinical Trial Diversity

1. Understand regulatory evolution: Since around 2006, U.S. legislation such as the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA), CURES Act, DEPICT Act (Diverse and Equitable Participation in Clinical Trials) and other laws have come into effect that incorporate aspects of diversity and inclusion in therapy development. (See Figure 1 below.) For instance, the FDA Guidance on Collection of Race and Ethnicity Data in Clinical Trials; Evaluation and Reporting of Age, Race, Ethnicity Data provides helpful guidance on this topic.clinical trail diversity

2. Incorporate a DEI team and sponsors: Consider implementing a DEI team that keeps track of the regulatory landscape and assists with DEI implementation in clinical trials. Sponsors (a person, company, institution, group, or organization that oversees or pays for a clinical trial and collects and analyzes the data) can also work with sites on how to best approach their diverse patient populations. Having a dedicated support team for this work can go a long way in furthering clinical trial diversity.

3. Engage in collaborative data-sharing relationships: The FDA requests sponsors define their enrollment goals for diverse populations as early as possible. Goals are established based on gold-standards or benchmarks, which are defined based on epidemiological data. Many disease states have little to no epidemiological data to inform their gold standards, which can hinder research efforts in the long term.

4. Take a human-centered design approach: Putting real people at the center of the trial development process is critical. We must engage with communities and their leaders to understand the best ways to reach, educate, and communicate with prospective patients and study participants. Consider key areas such as:

  • Communication methods: What is the best way to reach this audience (social media, advertising, community events, etc.)?
  • Messaging: Is the messaging about the trial culturally sensitive? Does the community we’re trying to reach understand the key message?
  • Reading comprehension: Is the reading level appropriate for this audience?
  • Language: Are we using the same language as the community we’re trying to reach?
  • Imagery: Are the images in our outreach culturally sensitive and relevant?

Advancing Whole-Person Care, Health Equity, and Organizational Performance

Every healthcare organization is more aware today of how disparities in health equity and DOH influence health outcomes, whole-person health, and overall healthcare costs.

Life sciences organizations can take a leading role in addressing these disparities and improving whole-person health by incorporating DOH insights into their business processes and by coordinating services with providers, payers, community partners, advocacy and support organizations, government agencies, and patients. Specifically, they can leverage data-driven insights to support strategic initiatives that advance adherence and improve outcomes.

By addressing the drivers of health, life sciences organizations can help build the future infrastructure of care and meet the challenge of health equity through targeted and effective investments.

Read the full Q&A report to learn more about how life sciences organizations can improve clinical trial diversity.

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Q&A Report: Dr. Rodrigo Burgos on Clinical Trial Diversity Tue, 18 Apr 2023 20:56:04 +0000 The post Q&A Report: Dr. Rodrigo Burgos on Clinical Trial Diversity appeared first on

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Three Ways Life Sciences Organizations Can Use SDoH Insights to Inform Whole-Person Care Fri, 11 Nov 2022 21:33:13 +0000 Since the pandemic, healthcare organizations are increasingly aware of the powerful role social determinants of health (SDoH) play in whole-person care. Life sciences organizations, in particular, are seeking ways to incorporate SDoH insights across their business processes, from discovery and development to initiatives that promote adherence, patient education, population health, and community impact. SDoH are …

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Since the pandemic, healthcare organizations are increasingly aware of the powerful role social determinants of health (SDoH) play in whole-person care. Life sciences organizations, in particular, are seeking ways to incorporate SDoH insights across their business processes, from discovery and development to initiatives that promote adherence, patient education, population health, and community impact.

SDoH are non-clinical contributors to whole-person health. Such behavioral, personal, lifestyle, socio-economic, and environmental factors are responsible for around 80 percent of an individual’s overall health status. In contrast, clinical care influences only around 15 percent of health status, but absorbs 60 percent of U.S. healthcare spending. Redressing that imbalance with programs and services that incorporate SDoH insights into their strategy is increasingly critical, particularly for underrepresented populations and in value-based markets. 

Yet it’s often a challenge for life sciences organizations to identify SDoH needs for the communities they serve and apply data-driven insights effectively.  

Three Ways SDoH Insights Can Impact Whole-Person Care

Here are three areas where data-driven SDoH insights can have a transformational impact on whole-person care, adherence, health equity, and patient engagement while also optimizing business processes and organizational outreach.

1. Use Data-Driven SDoH Insights to Enhance Every Aspect of the Product Life Cycle

As medication and therapies become more targeted and measuring outcomes becomes increasingly important, life sciences organizations can incorporate SDoH into every aspect of the product life cycle, starting with discovery and development. 

Data-driven SDoH insights can enhance understanding of the health conditions, circumstances, and challenges of specific patient populations at higher risk of disease. For example, mortality rates for Black women with breast cancer are 41 percent higher than for white women. When we start to take a deeper look at the underlying factors behind these statistics, we can see that there are many non-clinical factors, such as lack of transportation or access to child care, that can impede treatment or diagnosis. SDoH insights help identify these critical, human-centered components and inform the product life cycle, starting with discovery and development. 

Clinical trials have historically struggled to engage individuals from underrepresented communities. The failure to include representative members in clinical trials has influenced discovery and development and impeded effectiveness for those communities. According to the Lancet, between 2000 and 2020, the majority of clinical trials in the United States did not report specific race/ethnicity enrollment data, but white people likely represented 80 percent of enrollees.

SDoH needs—such as access to transportation and childcare—significantly impact the extent to which individuals are able to participate in clinical trials. Data-driven understanding of those barriers can help life sciences organizations and contract research organizations (CROs) source a more representative population of patients, facilitate their participation and long-term engagement, and address community distrust in the discovery and development processes. 

Connecting with communities at the ground level can better inform collective understanding of the barriers and challenges faced by certain patient populations. Clinical trial engagement can be greatly enhanced through the support of trusted community partners who have real relationships with potential trial participants. 

In a clinical trial conducted by Vanderbilt Academic Medical Center in 2011, community experts addressed the specific social barriers for trial participants, including transportation, appointment flexibility, and tailored marketing materials. These insights helped researchers increase enrollment by 78 percent and meet recruitment goals 16 months ahead of schedule while achieving 100 percent participant retention and study adherence.

SDoH insights can also help identify barriers to care within patient populations and communities. Such insights enable life sciences organizations to develop localized patient strategies across key markets and engage relevant health providers and community resources for therapy-specific programs. 

2. Recognize the Role SDoH Play in Adherence and Health Outcomes

Medication and therapy efficacy alone is not enough to ensure better health outcomes. Medication non-adherence remains one of the biggest drivers of poor health outcomes and increased healthcare costs. 

Non-adherence is particularly common among patients suffering from chronic disease, such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular conditions. Often, the same non-clinical factors that can impede initial treatment or diagnosis may also play a role in non-adherence. Non-adherence to medication for chronic illnesses increases healthcare system costs by over $600 billion each year. The ability to identify relevant patient populations within these chronic disease states and develop data-driven programs that connect patients to resources in the community represents a tremendous opportunity to enable the patient journey, increase adherence, and improve overall outcomes.

A complex range of factors typically influences noncompliance, including socioeconomic circumstances and access to care. A study by Unite Us showed that populations with elevated social risk, as defined through Unite Us Social Needs System taxonomy for measuring SDoH, have seven percent lower care compliance across key measures, including: 

  • Breast cancer screening 
  • Colorectal cancer screening 
  • Medication adherence: statins (PDE) 
  • Medication adherence: diabetes (PDE) 
  • Medication adherence: RAS (PDE) 
  • Osteoporosis management in women who had a fracture 
  • Annual wellness visit 
  • Diabetes care: HbA1c test 
  • Primary care visit

Single-factor interventions rarely move the needle for patients facing chronic illness. SDoH insights can significantly inform interventions that improve adherence by identifying the non-medical reasons that impact non-adherence. Factors like lack of transportation, secure housing, adequate food, access to pharmacies, or poor health literacy can intersect in complex ways.

Knowing which factors to address, how to track utilization, and how to measure the impact of therapies and interventions long-term are all key to improving whole-person care, patient engagement/experience, health outcomes, and health equity. 

With robust, data-driven insights, life sciences organizations can also predict and measure the impact of specific social care interventions—like providing transportation or food—in collaboration with community partners. This enables organizations in at-risk arrangements to improve outcomes in cost-effective ways and design intervention opportunities to improve results. 

3. Enhance the Impact of Investments in Patient Care and Communities

Life sciences organizations can also contribute toward providing culturally competent resources to help mitigate needs that drive noncompliance in the first place. 

Connecting with a strong network of community-based, social care organizations can go a long way in supporting historically underrepresented communities. To improve adherence and outcomes across many populations at scale, life sciences organizations not only need access to such an infrastructure, but they also need data-driven SDoH insights to direct, track, and measure the impact of their efforts to ensure dollars are spent effectively and efficiently.

Patient and provider education is another important component. With better understanding of patient populations, life sciences organizations can target messaging appropriately, identify the right channels for those messages, and improve patient engagement and marketing ROI exponentially. This can not only improve adherence but screening and preventative care as well.

Life sciences is already among the most philanthropic sectors in the world. With the right data-driven SDoH insights, life sciences can invest in communities and patients more effectively while improving trust in their organizations and in the efficacy of their therapies. 

Advancing Whole-Person Care, Health Equity, and Organizational Performance

Every healthcare organization is more aware today of how disparities in health equity and SDoH influence health outcomes, whole-person health, and overall healthcare costs. 

Life sciences organizations can take a leading role in addressing these disparities and improving whole-person health by incorporating SDoH insights into their business processes and by coordinating services with providers, payers, community partners, advocacy and support organizations, government agencies, and patients. Specifically, they can leverage data-driven insights to support strategic initiatives that advance adherence and improve outcomes.  

By addressing the social determinants of health, life sciences organizations can help build the future infrastructure of care and meet the challenge of health equity through targeted and effective investments. 

Visit Unite Us to learn more about transforming patient services with whole-person care. 

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Life Sciences’ Toolkit to Advance Health Equity Fri, 04 Nov 2022 18:16:26 +0000 Join experts from Unite Us who will shed light on how life sciences organizations are building and scaling capabilities to effectively address SDoH and advance health equity. During this webinar, you will learn how Unite Us helps life sciences organizations: Understand the foundational components of an effective and scalable health equity strategy that allows organizations …

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Join experts from Unite Us who will shed light on how life sciences organizations are building and scaling capabilities to effectively address SDoH and advance health equity.

During this webinar, you will learn how Unite Us helps life sciences organizations:

  • Understand the foundational components of an effective and scalable health equity strategy that allows organizations to gain new, actionable insights on their population’s social needs.
  • Provide access to community resources through interactive visuals and screeners to effectively serve and understand patients.
  • Measure impact on social care investments and population health by leveraging standardized reporting across community partners.
  • And more! 

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Connections: Reverend Edward Tello Thu, 29 Aug 2019 01:22:22 +0000 Connections: Reverend Edward Tello from Unite Us on Vimeo.

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Connections: Reverend Edward Tello from Unite Us on Vimeo.

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